Sunday, June 17, 2012

Right Now (A Sunday Morning)

Right now, the house is peaceful and dreamy, resting.

I had planned to go to church but one look at dad dozing quietly in his chair and I decided that right now, home is where I need to be. Things have come full circle - now I make his daily dose of protein-laden milk, get him hydrated, change the dressing for his tube that comes out of his stomach. It's sometimes heart-wrenching to go to work when I'd rather stay home and do little things to make him comfortable, like adjusting blinds, cushions, pottering around the house.

On a side-note, I've really enjoyed the lull of June, and the freedom of being able to take vacation leave for a few days each week. All those years of saving up my leave days sure came in handy. And in a funny way, I have really gotten a lot out of my leave days without traipsing through airports and foreign taxis.

I feel accomplished today, having cleaned house the day before. This morning, I tackled my bathroom cupboard. I love cleaning up and re-arranging. I always start with having a plastic bag on hand, and that gets the momentum going for chucking away things that need to go (expired products, etc), finding new uses for things, re-discovering things I'd forgotten I had. I just created a shelf of Things To Be Used, like luxe soaps and shampoos, and these are now in line of sight so I'm more likely to use them soon. End result: I am all set for work next week, with cosmetics arranged nicely, makeup brushes washed, and cupboard re-arranged. Instant Inspiration. Ahhh.

Right now, I'm just savoring and enjoying the little things in life.

2 quick house-related links:
Ali Edward's yard - something in me yearns to garden and see things grow, though I don't like bugs and don't know much about gardening.
A house that appeals to me - it looks welcoming, practical, nice to be in, love the children's room blue walls and lettering. Love the lack of clutter, or at least, well-organised clutter. Less is More!

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