Thursday, December 3, 2009

The beginning of the end

We feasted at ikoi today.

At the end of November, I signed a rather insignificant looking piece of paper that said yes, I would be joining a new branch come Jan 2010. It has been in the pipeline for some months now and the day draws nearer...when I leave my first (real) job (ever) and move on to the next one.

It has been an eventful 9 years 5 months. Almost a decade - a long time to be in a place. And yet it has been so fast! A ride with ups and downs. Friendships gained. Countless farewell lunches later, it was finally my turn to have a farewell lunch today.

I'm not feeling mournful about the move - yet. I am rather excited and even a little scared of the changes coming. Moving from a place where I am very comfortable, to a place where I am slightly out of my depth. Time to tread water.

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